A Better Way Some Letters Together

How Do I Follow?

I don’t know if I’ll get what I want, 

but I know I’ll get what I need. 

I’m panicked I’ve been forgotten; 

how do I follow your lead? 

How do I follow, 

when you go into the wilderness, 

with nothing to eat? 

How do I follow, 

when you choose silence, 

in response to religious police? 

How do I follow, 

when injustice, you deliberately receive, 

at the will of the less powerful? 

How do I follow,

when facing the crowd’s demand for blood, 

you did not leave? 

How do I follow, 

when death’s curse you borrowed,

when you shouldered man’s sorrow, 

when you could have gone free? 

I may not get what I want, 

but I know I’ll get what I need. 

Because, I follow 

the One who died for me. 

He chose suffering to save me, 

to show the best way.

With His life to borrow, 

He wanted our redemption

more than what He had to pay. 

Suffering wasn’t the end; 

it’s an inauguration, 

to an eternally joyful celebration.

No matter the world’s heartless imitation, 

when you follow 

the One who gave His life, 

you’ll be cared for,

by a Love better than imagination.

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